Before studying hypnotherapy and the mind, I "thought" I mainly used my conscious mind to effectively manage my day. I used to place so much importance on my ability to analyze, think and plan. Yet as I dove into researching the subconscious mind, I soon learned that I was completely wrong. I was shocked to learn that we only use 10-12% of our conscious mind and 88-90% of our subconscious mind!
As you can see from the image above, our subconscious mind is our long-term memory, meaning it stores everything that we have ever seen, heard, learned or experienced. The subconscious stores information every minute of every day, no matter what state of consciousness we are in. So when we experience an intense emotion, new ideas and beliefs become impressed upon our subconscious. The more intense the emotion, the deeper the belief becomes imprinted upon our subconscious. This explains why negative beliefs about ourselves can become stored in our subconscious and why it's nearly impossible to change our deep-seated beliefs on our own. Another way to look at this is to view the subconscious mind like a computer or smart phone. Imagine our negative beliefs about ourselves (I'm stupid, I need to be perfect, I need to please others so that others will like me) are like software programs or apps for our phones. Our computers and phones are only as smart and productive as their programs and apps. Our subconscious mind is similar in that it does not decide which programs are effective or destructive. This part of is very obligatory and does what it's told. This fact about our subconscious mind is the foundation of using hypnosis and other techniques to change and update our programs or beliefs about ourselves and the world we live in. Put another way, we have a choice to update our apps on our phones when an update becomes available. Sometimes we are hesitant to hit the update button because we don't know what the new changes will bring. Most of us are ready for change within ourselves when we notice certain behaviors are negatively affecting our relationships, our efficiency at work and our general happiness with life. Even though those certain beliefs are damaging to us, we are sometimes hesitant to ask for help. There's a universal fear of change with most people. The great part about working with a professionally trained hypnotherapist is that YOU get to decide what updates and changes you want for yourself. Self-empowerment is the foundation for the work that I do with clients. I want YOU to participate in your own healing process. I want YOU to decide how you want to live your life. Together we will get you there!
AuthorJennifer is a Certified Clinical and Interpersonal Hypnotherapist who enjoys educating others about all things hypnosis. ArchivesCategories
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